MCB levert al 75 jaar metaal. MCB is een metaalgroothandel. De mensgerichte benadering van de organisatie staat garant voor loyaliteit en vertrouwen in de samenwerking. Gekenmerkt door een breed en diep assortiment in staal, RVS, aluminium en non-ferro. Maar bovenal biedt MCB haar relaties verbetering, innovatie, ambitie en groei: ‘Met een open en scherpe blik, dringen we door tot de kern van de business van onze partners” aldus MCB. Dat begrip zorgt voor verbinding. Alleen door deze manier van werken van MCB is het mogelijk om de dienstverlening, advisering en producten tot op de millimeter sluitend te krijgen. MCB draagt bij aan het versterken van de duurzame concurrentiekracht van de maakindustrie.
New innovative office landscape
MCB international phase 3

M+R interior architecture designed a special customer area for the MCB head office and completed it at the beginning of this year. This special area is suitable for receiving clients. There is a central reception area with various seating areas and a bar. All the interior components are made of steel; stainless steel or aluminium. The fixed acoustic partition wall between the reception area and the presentation areas is made of Corten steel. M+R was inspired by the beautiful sculptural objects of artist Richard Serra (Guggenhem Museum Bilbao) for the design of the walls. The walls are positioned in such a way that they give direction to the space and are kept separate from the structural columns, creating beautiful views. The spaces are accessed by steel pivot doors placed in steel frames. Special moulds were made for the walls for the production of the Corten steel panels. The steel is provided with a layer of wax so that the steel no longer ‘gives off’.
The presentation area is the reason for the further revitalisation and renewal of the head office. With the design, M+R has laid the foundation for the corporate image of the building as an extension of the new corporate identity. In collaboration with the employees and management of the company, M+R has developed and designed an innovative working environment. The entrance and the office wings are being converted into a sustainable innovative activity-related working environment in which metal and aluminium products are used in a unique way in the form of acoustic partitions, walls and presentations. New innovative office environments must offer employees much more space for team building; consultation and knowledge sharing. After all, concentrated work can also be done from the home workplace. The next step is the redesign of the entrance and the management wing with a sustainable and timeless design based on steel and aluminium products from MCB. The new transparent revolving door in the entrance leads you over a special steel floor to the reception. The partition walls are made of perforated brass curtain and dark steel walls. The furniture is made of steel and wood.