During the Corona epidemic, many employees were asked to work from home, now that there are signs that we have better control of the virus, employers are also keen to have employees come to the office again. The latter does not always appear to be easy, partly given the occupancy of the workplaces at many companies. Of course, working from home offers many advantages, we no longer have to travel, which saves time and is also good for the environment.
Dorgelo, Eindhoven
designing the entrance area where people can meet, discuss, work, eat and drink

The downside is that organizations that attach great importance to employees feeling connected to the company see that working from home contributes less to the team bond. For team building, it is therefore desirable that employees find their way to the office. In addition, the advantages of physical collaboration are that people can easily share knowledge and experiences and meeting colleagues is experienced as a very positive aspect. Many companies are looking for ways to strengthen the 'we feeling' and also to encourage employees to be in the office at least 3 days a week.
For the Dorgelo building in Eindhoven, where several companies are located, M+R has developed a sustainable concept and design on behalf of the building owner CRA Vastgoed. That the current 'impersonal' entrance changes into a vibrant meeting area where people can work; meetings, eating and drinking in an attractive ambiance with natural materials and lots of greenery. The catering concept is from Vermaat and is in line with the integral vision of having an inviting personal entrance that is also attractive to the various companies and their employees.
For the concept, the entrance and mezzanine have been brought together, a new open staircase connection to the mezzanine ensures that this space can be used optimally, with meeting rooms that can also be used as lunch rooms. A flexible use for the mezzanine, which was previously only used as a passage. The design is accessible, the reception is also a coffee bar and during lunch the back wall is opened so that you can get several healthy lunches and sandwiches from the kitchen.
Here's a sneak preview.